The Rule of 100

If you dedicate 100 hours/year practicing any skill, you’d be better than 95% of the population.

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History of the Rule of 100

The rule of 100 goes back to the early days of the Internet. In the late ’90s, the web was still a fringe phenomenon and only a handful of people made a living online. A few of these people created websites to encourage other people to follow their path and make the web a career. One of the most famous examples was Stefan (Steve) Gilliland’s Rule of 100, which he published in a guest post on the famous programming blog, Coding Horror. Gilliland’s rule was this: If you want to be an expert at something, practice it for 100 hours. That’s how long it took him to become an expert in graphics programming. Gilliland’s post was massively popular and brought in thousands of comments and emails.

Benefits of Practicing the Rule of 100

By practicing a skill for 100 hours, you put yourself in a position to make real and lasting improvements in that skill. It’s almost impossible to “naturally” get to that point without practice. There are too many factors outside of our control that could disrupt the process. You’ll improve your confidence by succeeding at things you previously struggled with. You’ll build your willpower by sticking to a regular practice schedule, even when you don’t feel like it. You’ll learn how to learn by figuring out which strategies work for you.

Examples of the Rule of 100 in Action

As you’re learning a new skill, it’s natural to feel frustrated. You’re not progressing as quickly as you’d like, and it can be hard not to compare yourself to others. The rule of 100 creates space for this frustration to exist while encouraging you to keep going. There’s no single correct way to apply the rule of 100, but here are a few examples. – If you’re trying to write a novel, the rule of 100 could mean 100 hours of writing time. – If you’re trying to learn a new language, it could be 100 hours of study time. – If you’re trying to develop a new skill at work, like sales or marketing, it could be 100 hours of trying out new strategies and talking to people. – If you’re trying to build a new habit, like meditation or fitness, it could be 100 hours of sticking to your schedule. – If you’re trying to create a product, like a podcast or a blog, it could be 100 hours of research, development, and testing.

Strategies for Practicing the Rule of 100

There are two major strategies for practicing the rule of 100. You can either create a plan from scratch or use an existing skill to boost another. You can use a number of different skills to boost other skills. These include – math skills for design, logic for sales, investing for financial planning, science for programming, marketing for public speaking, and writing for leadership.

Tips for Sticking with the Rule of 100

The rule of 100 isn’t a quick fix. It’s a long-term strategy that requires both discipline and patience. Here are a few tips for sticking with the rule of 100: – Break the rule into smaller chunks. If you’re trying to practice a skill for 100 hours, break the rule into smaller chunks. For instance, if you’re trying to build a new habit, try practicing it for 40 hours before reevaluating. – Make it part of your identity. At the beginning of this article, we discussed how the most successful people are often the ones who are best at prioritizing their time. By making the rule of 100 part of your identity as a learner, you’re more likely to prioritize your time in a way that reinforces your goals. – Be flexible when necessary. The most important thing is taking action. If, after 10 hours, you realize a skill isn’t something you want to dedicate your time to, let it go. You don’t owe anybody an explanation, and you can always try again later.

How to Make the Most of the Rule of 100

There are three things you can do to make the most of the rule of 100: – Start as early in your career as possible. Starting as early in your career as possible is important for a few reasons. First, it gives you more time to practice and improve. Second, it gives you more time to collect experience that can be applied to future jobs. Third, it allows you to get your foot in the door for jobs that might not be available later in your career. – Diversify the type of things you practice. It’s important to diversify the type of things you practice. You don’t want to get stuck in a rut where you’re practicing only the skills you enjoy. By practicing a wide variety of skills, you give yourself more options when it comes time to find a job. You also have more skills to share with others, which can be helpful in your personal and professional life.

Pitfalls to Avoid When Practicing the Rule of 100

If you’re dedicating yourself to the rule of 100, you’re going to feel like you’re not making progress sometimes. This is normal, but here are a few things to watch out for: – Don’t get discouraged. If you’re making progress, great. If not, don’t get discouraged. Research shows that it takes most people 8 to 10 years to become an expert at something. You don’t need to see immediate results to know you’re making progress. – Don’t ignore your health. It’s important to make time for your mental and physical health as you practice new skills. You don’t want to burn out, and practicing too much without taking breaks is a great way to do that. – Don’t give up when you feel like you’ve hit a wall. All skills have walls. There will be times when you feel like you’re making no progress or like you’re actually regressing. That’s normal. All you need to do is keep pushing through and find a way to break through the wall.

The rule of 100 is a great way to commit yourself to a long-term strategy of skill development. It requires discipline and patience, but it can also be a lot of fun as you watch yourself improve in new and exciting ways.